Fuel School Scholarships

Don't let money stop you from fuelling your goals. I want every teenage athlete to have access to nutrition knowledge, ensuring their health, well-being, and performance are fully supported. That's why we offer Fuel School Scholarship opportunities. Unfortunately, a lot of families who are struggling financially look at the price... and leave. 


Fuel School Scholarships

Don't let money stop you from fuelling your goals. I want every teenage athlete to have access to nutrition knowledge, ensuring their health, well-being, and performance are fully supported. That's why we offer Fuel School Scholarship opportunities. Unfortunately, a lot of families who are struggling financially look at the price... and leave. 


So... please pay attention now!  

  • If your family is dealing with unemployment or underemployment
  • If bills or crises have drained your finances 
  • If you are unable to afford Fuel School for ANY legitimate reason
  • If you believe this program will be a support to you 

Please take advantage of our Scholarship opportunities. Don't let money stand in the way. That said, if your family can afford the regular price, we still need to make a living too!

Fuel School is less expensive than your sport registration or coaching fees, music lessons or almost any other serious extracurricular activity — especially since it doesn't require any equipment or travel.

Fuel School Scholarship Opportunities

We have scholarship options available for families who are truly unable to afford this program.

To register a student for less than $37/month, please email us to explain your situation.

We will also ask for a letter of recommendation from your coach or teacher. 


Email [email protected]


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